Benefits of being positive

How To Deal With Negativity?

There is a phase in everyone’s life, where the mind becomes filled with negativity, a mushroom cloud of self-doubt, and it bombards us constantly with railing thoughts. A stage where mind only likes to denounce, shaping self-doubts, and sometimes it gets such amplified that we always find ourselves stuck in a plight of negative thinking cycle.

How it develops?

Our brains are inbuilt reactive and wired to look for the negative so one has to make more efforts to transform or reframe into a positive notion. When we don’t have control over our mind, we lose mindfulness, and those toils of reframing go in vain and the mind becomes more cynical.

Let's decode the whole process: in the beginning, our mind is empty, we start to think about something in a negative way, slowly and steadily, our mind will form a thought pattern. And consequently, the way we think about things becomes our second nature. Eventually, it conflates with our personality That’s why we should always give attention to our mind, the way it thinks. What we put into our minds, we inevitably get out of it. 

What brings in negative thoughts?

  • Black and white thinking- extremities of thoughts, either astounding or awful.
  • Conglomerating the problem by putting more negativities into the mind.
  • Constantly popping out things in our mind and it starts sabotaging us.
  • Personalization.
  • Jumping to negative conclusions.
  • Sense of dread.
  • Self-doubts.
  • Derailing our progress.
  • Ignoring possibilities.
  • Suspending our serenity.
  • Depression.

Getting rid of negative thoughts

We are going to discuss some processes to get rid of negative thoughts. Some of it might work and some might not, but eventually, we can find a solution, that can help us to deal with it better. Negativity harbors our mind when we lose control over our mind. 

Meditation and Exercise 

First of all, we need a peaceful scenario for our minds. Meditation and exercising provide it. Meditation is an art of introspection where we peep into our mind and body. Through it, we get to know our true setbacks. Let me tell you that mediation is not a piece of cake, it demands patience. Don’t panic if you are not able to concentrate. It takes a lot of practice and lots of time. You will face many halters in the process of meditation. You will get distracted, you will get zillions of different thoughts which is common to all. But once you have mastered it, there is no going back, I assure you. Exercise is also important,  it releases endorphins which makes us feel upbeat and optimistic about ourselves 


This is one of my favorite tricks to get rid of unruly and railing thoughts. Just write your ungoverned thoughts on a journal, or in your phone’s notepad or wherever you want to. Release your unmanageable thoughts from your mind. Set your mind free and believe me, your mind would be on ease after following this.

Talking about thoughts

This is the most important point. I think people with so many thoughts in their minds always want someone to share with. What kind of thoughts you are confronting with? How are you feeling? Why do you look so downhearted? How much your mind troubles you? How much you are frustrated? 

Some people are demure, unable to express and compound their feelings, their thoughts and feelings are bottled up in their mind only, please just talk it over with someone, don’t let your thoughts suffocate you. There is always a shoulder to lean on!

Being gentle with yourself 

You need to get out of the victim mode. Yes, I’m talking about self-love and self-care. Because you deserve that. Even when you are unproductive and feel undeserving on some days, don’t punish yourself. 
  • Take a healthy diet, it directly affects your mind. 
  • Take proper and enough sleep. 
  • Read, read, and read good books. 
  • Go out.
  • Be grateful.
  • Look out for possibilities and opportunities.

Practice self-talks

  • Practice, practice, and practice positive talks
  • Identify what triggers your negative thoughts.
  • Repeat to yourself that next time you will do it better
  • Replace your negative point with a positive one.
  • Don’t run away from your thoughts, just analyze them, and replace them with facts and evidence.
  • Show self-compassion that you would have shown to others.
  • Remind yourself that this is an opportunity to grab.
  • Don’t talk negatively about yourself to self or others.

Be aware of your negative thoughts

  • Don’t freak out.
  • Watch your trigger points.
  • Reconsider your thoughts, don’t run away.
  • Practice mindfulness- the practice of giving attention to your thoughts, minding your thoughts and direction of your thoughts.
  • Make the best out of the worst thinking.

Practice gratitude

  • Always think about all the good reasons to be happy. 
  • Start organizing your life and enjoy the miracles
  • Have plans that give you control over your mind.

Practice forgiveness and stop complaining.

Start forgiving people and yourself too. Don’t let the things hold your heart. Holding on accumulates hate in your heart and mind. Just exhale all the toxicity in your life and just inhale positivity and kindness. This replaces the negativity with peace, empathy, and compassion.

Run the negative scenario all the way around

For example, if you are performing any activity, thoughts will pop on your mind. The negative thoughts might be like: What if I fail? What if it doesn’t work?
If such questions arise, then start asking yourself the questions that are just opposite to the previous ones. Ask yourself questions like - What if I get succeed? What if it works miraculously? Make yourself understand that failing in something doesn't mean the end, it might be an opportunity to do something bigger. Instead of taking a pessimistic approach, choose the optimistic one.

By questioning the truth, your perspective will become more realistic and negativity will start ceasing. It’s okay to have negative thoughts unless we embody them or harbor them in our minds. Accept your thoughts and cope with it. The key to becoming positive is to accept your thoughts and deal with them.

How do you manage when negative situations arise in your life? Please let us know by commenting below. It will help others. Thank you. :)

- Neeraj Sharma

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  1. people should really think about it
    nice lines doctor neeraj sharma 👌👌

  2. Excellent work by writer (✿ ♡‿♡).

    1. Indeed.. check out our other articles as well.. :)


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