Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities : The Need Of The Hour

Turning Obstacles Into Opportunities : The Need Of The Hour

There are situations in our life when we have no idea what we are going through. We face hurdles in our way more often. We become perplexed not knowing what to do. We try to overcome the hurdles but in vain. And finally, we give up, run away from difficulties, and sit idle.

Obstacles are opportunities in disguise

Let me point out one thing clear, running away from such situations is not the solution. These hurdles won't go away on their own. These obstacles are opportunities in disguise. These don't show up just to let you down, these show up to make you a better version of yourself.

See opportunity in obstacles

If you look up to obstacles as obstacles, they would remain intact in their very state. All you need to do is to change your vision and perception. You have to change your mindset, you have to train it, you have to start believing in yourself. Only then these obstacles would fade away.

Opportunities are hidden in obstacles

The obstacles aren't just obstacles. There are opportunities hidden in these obstacles. You need to look for these opportunities and grab them. You need to explore these obstacles and think of these as tools to help you grow in life. These would help you to learn and may even make you attain new heights.

Turn your obstacles into opportunities and your problems into possibilities

As I have mentioned earlier, difficulties are hidden possibilities. We need to generate some some-belief in ourselves and strike at these obstacles with all our might. Our efforts might seem to go in vain at first but trust me, if you cope with that phase, and remain stuck to it for a bit longer, victory will be all yours. During the dark phase, always make yourself remember, "Success comes to those who will and dare ". Don't give up no matter how hard the situation is. And on one good day, your obstacles would have turned into opportunities and your problems into possibilities.

The obstacle is the way

Always remember interruptions in the action advance the action. What stands in the way becomes the path. The thought that produces doubt in us can be transformed into a tool to help us achieve our goals. All you need to have is strong will power. When something ordinary achieves great heights and becomes extraordinary, it is able to do so just because of the obstacles that it faced in its course of action. It is due to its persistence and never die attitude. Hadn't it faced any obstacles, it wouldn't have become that great. Those obstacles helped it grow. We should look at obstacles and difficulties as stairs to help us raise and grow.

Why do we allow ourselves to miss a good opportunity? 

If someone comes to you and tells you that he would guide you, make you learn new things, and help you grow and all that for free, will you send him away?  Or will you try to learn those things that he is offering? I think most people will stick to the latter option. In a similar manner, obstacles and difficulties should not be the ones we should run away from. Obstacles and difficulties are our guides, our gurus and we should not allow ourselves to miss a good opportunity that they offer. We must follow and explore these new opportunities. It would lead us straight to the path of learning and bear us success. 

Amit Choudhary

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  1. This is one of the great thought ever.... just need to focus on the problems or obstacles I prefer and turn them our strength...

    1. Indeed, great changes are brought by small steps. Don't forget to share the article and blog with your known ones. :)

  2. Thanks for this much needed motivation.

    1. Thank you for appreciating. Don't forget to share the article and blog with your known ones. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you for appreciating. Don't forget to share the article and blog with your known ones. :)


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