
Meditation : How To Meditate?

An ordinary person who does not know much about meditation or yoga considers meditation as a prayer, but in reality, it is not so. Meditation is a different thing from prayer, it gives you spiritual peace. The main purpose of meditation is to maintain awareness in humans. Therefore, May 15 is celebrated every year as World Meditation Day. Whatever you do in your routine, try to give your best by doing it with full awareness. This is the main objective of meditation.

What is meditation?

The aim of meditation should not be to actually achieve any benefit, but still, with the help of it, a person can achieve his goal by focusing his attention on his purpose. By the way, if seen, the main purpose of meditation is to maintain the qualities of compassion, love, patience, generosity, forgiveness, etc. in the human mind. Meditation is being used as a tool to focus since the beginning.

Meditation is to listen to your breath while in meditation or to hear the sound of birds clearly, but when you do not experience anything else while in this posture, then you are in the right meditation position. Meditation is not a technique, but it is a way to live life in the right way. The right way to meditate is to restrain your thinking power for a limited time. At the time of meditation, a person is free from all kinds of thoughts and his attention is focused only on any particular thing.

How to meditate?

If the meditation is done properly, it will prove very beneficial for us. It gives us physical and mental peace and fitness. But the most important thing about this is that we need to do it correctly. There are some ways that we are going to discuss here which would help you in meditating properly. Hope this helps you.

Choose the appropriate place for meditation: 

For this, you can first do meditation in any place where you get spiritual peace. But still, there should be no more dark color on the walls, nor more light color on that place. Neither that place should be overly hot, nor too cold. Apart from all these, it should also be kept in mind that there should not be much noise or any other disturbance at that place. If you are not comfortable doing meditation at any one place, then you can change the place according to your wish.

Selecting the correct posture to do meditation: 

You can choose any stage for meditation according to your convenience. Meditation can be done in any condition like sitting, lying, standing. But all these stages have their advantages and disadvantages. You can do meditation at any stage as per your wish, but it will be good for you that you keep changing your stage by not always doing meditation in any one stage. You can focus your face and vision at any place as per your convenience. 


If you are in a state of meditation, then you must stop all the thoughts that come to your mind. Whatever is going on in your mind, such as the confusion of your home, the troubles of your family or the confusion of your office, etc., remove it from your mind and calm every part of your body. Feel that you are beyond this world, you do not have any problem, you do not have to do any work. Maybe you will take some time to do this, but try to keep your thoughts under your control. If you are able to do this, then believe me you will get spiritual peace.

Keep practicing:

When you meditate or choose a stage for your meditation, it may not be right for you at the beginning. Your thoughts might start wandering. But if this happens, do not worry and try to concentrate again. When you try to do this again and again, you will be able to concentrate easily.

When you will be able to meditate, you will be able to do your meditation properly and this will keep you physically and mentally fit.

Amit Choudhary

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