
Dual Nature of Everything

The light was believed to travel in straight lines. Later, it was discovered that it is not so. Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Thomas Young were among those who put all their efforts into explaining light. Several experiments and theories were given to explain the nature of light. Some proved light to have a particle nature and some others proved light to have a wave nature. And at last, it was said that the light has a dual nature: wave as well as that of a particle.
As you all might be aware. Everything is made up of matter. The matter has a particle nature. De Broglie suggested a theory as per which matter supposed to have a wave nature. This theory was experimentally verified by Davisson and Germer. Thus it was also proved that matter also exhibits dual nature.

The same concept of duality can be applied to humans too. Humans too have a dual nature. There are two forms of a human being, one is what he is in real and the other one is what he wants to appear to others. The form that the person shows to others is just opposite to his real one. Even if he is sad, he fakes his smile and tries to make others see how happy he is. Interestingly, on the other hand, when he is happy or just neutral, he fakes his sadness to gain the empathy of others.

He gives lectures to others on morals and social values but he himself never follows the same. He even gives advice to others without even thinking about possible outcomes of the implementation of the same. And when a certain situation arises, when he is supposed to follow the same that he had earlier advised, he becomes skeptical about it.

In this modern era, this dual nature has blossomed. The social media platform has brought it in. It has made most of us somewhat robotic in our actions. We show others how lovely our life is going on and seek other's attention. We crave for other's approval. If we are not getting these two, our real-life doesn't remain unaffected by it. It has a huge impact on our confidence and self-esteem.

Unlike matter and light, the dual nature is not so good in our case. We need to escape this duality. We don't need to hide our true self from anyone. We don't need to fake our emotions. We just need to accept ourself, the way we are. We don't need validation from anyone. We don't need to be in someone else's shoes. We just need to be our true selves.

Amit Choudhary

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