
Importance of Appreciating and Encouraging Others

Just as we can do something good by giving our time, money, or advice to others, in the same way it can be possible to do well for many by giving encouragement.

The human mind is always immersed in a dilemma. It keeps moving back and forth swinging in the swing of hope and despair. The tendencies of sin and virtue also cast a shadow on it. The tides of virtues and fortunes also keep coming.

Incentive utility

The development and destruction of soft feelings have much to do with the encouragement or opposition of others. Generally people are not able to do some correct analysis about themselves. For this, they are dependent on the consent of others. When other people praise us, our mind becomes cheerful, proud, and feels that we are doing admirable work. But when we hear others talking about our blasphemy, failure, and insignificance, then there is sorrow, heartbreak, despair. Gratitude to the praiser arises in our mind because he has given a tremendous amount in mental uplift by discussing our virtues. We consider that person as friendly and dear. But those who blaspheme, we perceive them as our enemy, they seem bad to us because they presented our bad aspect in front of us and caused disappointment and frustration in our mind. 

From the point of view of self-observation, it is advisable to find our faults and defects. It is also advisable to advise any close friend in solitary to improve their inappropriate activities. While doing so, care should be taken not to depress the personality of the individual. If anyone is continued to be called spoiled, unworthy, sinful, bad-tempered, wicked, foolish, then his conscience will gradually accept the truth of those things. If we are to assume that we are truly unfit, bad, then the mind will start to get molded in such a way that the courage breaks down, the frustration engulfs it, and while doing some work, the mind keeps on digging deep inside so that the work does not go wrong. In this vigor, our work also starts deteriorating.

Motivation effect

If we are repeatedly told about something that is not true, we end up accepting it. This process takes time but it very effective. Therefore, we should appreciate and encourage others who seemed to have lost their self-faith and are in despair. This is a great way to uplift those who are in urgent need.

Power of trust

A German scientist obtained charge of a death sentence prisoner to test the extent to which others' speech could have a bad effect on the human mind and used the test to kill the prisoner by force of faith.

The prisoner was laid on a table. Blindfold was tied. A small pin was pierced near the throat. A light stream of water was kept near his neck, touching the throat. A bucket was placed to collect the dripping water below. The prisoner was told that his blood is needed for an important task, so the death penalty has been arranged so that the suffering is reduced. He was asked to lie quietly and was told that he will die peacefully in a short time.

The prisoner believed the scientist's point. He began to feel the water flowing from the throat from the tube and dripping into the bucket below. He believed the water to be his own blood. Doctors used to watch his pulse again and again and lie, saying the amount of blood he has lost and left within his body. They told him when he was going to be unconscious and when he was going to die. The prisoner kept believing the doctors' statement and died at the right time. Scientists then concluded that on the basis of faith, a person can be influenced to a great extent. Such is the power of trust.

Influence of beliefs

It has been observed that we mold ourselves to become what others have explained to us as our nature. The fear of ghosts depends on such misconceptions. On hearing stories of ghosts from others, people start believing in that. The fear of ghosts sits in the mind deeply. The power of faith is immense. The effect of what others say to us, on our life is significant. Hence we should look at, discuss, and encourage the qualities of a person instead of finding faults with him. This nature of us can prove to be supreme auspicious not only for others but also for us.

We should appreciate and encourage people for their efforts. If a person does something for us selflessly, we should treat him with gratitude. We should praise a person for qualities that he possesses instead of criticizing his imperfections. Everyone is born with some qualities, even the corrupt, and evil ones. We just need to remind them of these.

Amit Choudhary

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